The Story of Us: 10 Ideas for Keeping a Couples Journal!
If you want this year to be the start of discovering more about each other while growing your goals, plans, and dreams together, it's time to start a couple’s journal!

There are many ways that you can make your journal your own. Before getting started, discuss what you hope to accomplish and what you would like to keep track of. Make sure that both of you include what’s important to your relationship. Attaching your favorite couple photo is also a fun way to make it really personal.

Here are 10 of our favorite ideas for keeping a couple’s journal:
(1) Write letters to each other
Using a different colored pen is a great way to easily see what each of you have added to the journal.
(2) Keep a daily record
(2) Keep a daily record
Make a note of the best thing that happened in the day, whether it was individually or as a couple.
(3) Write down a compliment
(3) Write down a compliment
Keep a list of the things you appreciate about the other. Even if it’s as simple as the way they fold your socks.
(4) Create a couple’s bucket list
(4) Create a couple’s bucket list
Where are places you want to explore together? What are things you want to do together? Are there places the other has never been, that you want to share with one another?
(5) Ask a question a day
(5) Ask a question a day
Each write down a question in the morning and give your partner the day to answer it. It could be something you're trying to figure out, something you want to know about them, or just some random questions. It will be amazing what you learn about each other!
(6) Share something you love
Did you read a great book? See a funny joke online? Find a pair of shoes you need? Share something that you really liked with your partner while you learn more about what they love.
(7) Create a challenge
Have you been wanting to learn something new or try something you've never done before? Creating challenges for each other, like how to cook a new dish, or learning yoga, will help you grow and experience new things together.
(8) Share something new
Write down something your partner might not know about you. It could be a story from your childhood, your favorite action movie, or a joke your grandfather used to tell.
(9) Create a couples Mad Libs
Write a few sentences down and leave some blank spaces for your partner to fill in. It will be funny to see what answers they come up with!
(10) Share Something Inspirational
Search for quotes, stories, or pictures that inspire you. Not every day is going to be the best. Having reminders of things that inspire will help make any day better.

The best thing about creating a couple’s journal is that it is unique to your relationship. It’s meant to be a way to grow together. It may even become a keepsake that your family will cherish forever.
Here are some of our favorite journals to use:
White Classic Hardcover Moleskine - as shown with "The Story of Us..."